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Pre and Post Workout Snacks

It's important to eat both before and after a workout to fuel your body with the energy and nutrients it needs. Eating a small snack about an hour or so before exercising is always a good idea because you don't want to workout on an empty stomach. Eating after is good because you want to refuel your body after your grueling workout.

Pre-Workout Snacks

You'll want to eat something with carbs and protein to give yourself some energy. Fruit is always a good size snack to eat before working out too. Here are some simple examples:

  • apples with nut butter

  • oatmeal

  • protein smoothie

  • banana and yogurt

  • bagel with nut butter or natural fruit spread

Post-Workout Snacks

You should eat after exercise to replenish your body. Again, think of carbs and protein and the snacks above. Here are more examples:

  • chocolate milk

  • greek yogurt

  • protein shake

  • toast and nut butter

  • grilled chicken

  • tuna sandwich

Keep these examples in mind and remember to stay hydrated while you exercise! If you're looking for more ideas check out these links!


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