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Spring 2024 Tryouts and Info Session

Prospective swimmers, get excited because UMCS tryouts for the 2024 spring semester are coming up!!

First, students interested in the team should attend our information session on Saturday, February 3 at 3:30pm in the Student Union Cape Cod Lounge. We are looking forward to meeting everyone, answering questions about the team, and explaining the ins and outs of the UMCS tryout process. The meeting will include discussions about our daily practices, team bonding activities, and meets. Those who attend will also get the chance to meet the E-Board and learn about how cuts are made for new members.

In the meantime, read on for a brief overview of what UMCS Spring Tryouts will look like.

Tryouts will be held during our second week back on campus on Wednesday, February 7th (6:30pm-8pm) and Thursday, February 8th (8:15pm-10pm) in Boyden Gymnasium Pool. The first day of tryouts will include an introduction to the E-Board, icebreakers, and a simulated practice day for all prospective members. The second day is reserved for time trials. After checking in, swimmers will have 15 minutes to warm up before racing at 8:45pm. Trials will include the 100 free, 100 I.M., and 50 choice. Swimmer ability, attitude, and attendance on both days of tryouts will be considered by E-Board when making cuts. Swimmers can expect to hear back about making the team by Friday morning and are encouraged to attend practice that night. We are so excited to meet you, so bring your best energy!

Important things to know before trying out:

  • E-Board members make deliberations based on the 3 A’s: Attendance, Attitude, and Ability. This maintains a broad spectrum of diverse individuals to continue the legacy of our amazing team.

  • Life happens, we get it! Don't be afraid to reach out through email with any questions or concerns, communication is KEY during this process.

  • Those who wish to attend must sign a waiver on our Campus Pulse to get in the water.

  • Boyden is a maze, so plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to get there. Refer to the picture below for help finding the pool.


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