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Tryouts Information

Hello UMCS Hopefuls! It was lovely to see all your faces at the info session today. Everyone should be receiving emails on the process, but here's a quick blog post on how tryouts will be operated for those who want a recap or who are not on the emailing list (which you can join at this link).

Due to a high number of interested swimmers, we will be splitting tryouts into 3 days. All three days of tryouts will be at Boyden Gymnasium Pool. The first two days of tryouts will consist of introductions, icebreakers, and a simulated practice day. On Monday, 9/11/, at 6:30 PM swimmers with a last name starting with A - K will be invited to the pool. On Tuesday, 9/12, at 8:30 PM the remaining swimmers with the last names L - Z will attend. The split between swimmers is so that we can properly accommodate and fully meet all students in the pool. Try to attend the date designated to your last name, but if you have conflicts with the particular time of your tryout, please email us at to switch to the other date and time.

The last day of tryouts, Wednesday 9/13 at 6:30 PM, will be time trials. ALL swimmers will attend this day, it will run similar to a swim meet. Swimmers will race in a 50 Free, 50 Stroke, 100 Free, and possibly another event if time allows.

UMass Club Swimming has a limited number of spots available on the team and we will be making cuts based on our 3 A's: Attendance, Ability, and Attitude. As we are not a Division 1 team, we do not make cuts based solely on time. Each 'A' is as important as the other! Attendance is expected on all designated days. We want to see you in the pool and get to know you! PLEASE email us at if you cannot attend a specific date. We also expect some sort of ability in the pool: knowledge of the four strokes, flip turns, and dives. We are still a competitive team that wants to foster a space around swimming. And finally, we will be taking note of the attitude of prospective members. We are a team of different abilities and personalities, but we want people who contribute to a positive environment in and out of the pool.

All swimmers will receive decisions on the team cuts by Wednesday night, after the final day of tryouts.

We are so excited to meet you all and hope to see you this week! Good luck!



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